Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Webquest for 6th Grade~¡FÚTBOL!

Fútbol~El Mundial

This is a big year for Spanish speaking soccer fans! The World Cup Soccer tournament will be taking place in South Africa. Throughout the Spanish-speaking world, soccer, or fútbol, is the most popular sport. Using this webquest...see what you can learn!

First of all, you'll need to learn some of the basic vocabulary! This Quia Game will get you started: VOCABULARIO DEL FÚTBOL

Next, you'll need to know what everyone will be be wearing! Read this description of the uniforms for various Spanish speaking countries. On a separate sheet of paper sketch out the different team uniforms (equipaciones)...Sra. Brouwer has crayons so you can color them appropriately too! Remember each team will have two uniforms...one for home games, and the other for away games. EQUIPACIONES

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