Monday, November 17, 2008

Paco, Carmen, un pingüino, y un cerdo!

Third and Fourth grade students worked hard to learn some new vocabulary words! We had fun using the words to make silly sentences and stories in Spanish. Some students even illustrated Spanish sentences! Here are some of their drawings (see if you can figure out what the sentences mean!):

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This week we begin our Thanksgiving Unit with third and fourth grades. We will learn some vocabulary to help us express what we are thankful for, and later we will create a book about Thanksgiving to send to our pen pals in Spain and Mexico. They are very curious about our American holidays! Please take pictures of your Thanksgiving traditions and foods. You may e-mail them to us, and even if they don't make it into the book we will post them on line for our pen pals to see.

Take a look at what we are learning. And, as always, you can find this vocab list under the links to "Unit Vocabulary..." on the lower right.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Story Time!

3rd and 4th grade students watched this short video in class today. It uses the new vocabulary we have been working on over the past two weeks.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

¡Hola amigos en el colegio JAIME BALMES!

¡Queremos decir "hola" a nuestros nuevos amigos en Madrid!

Most of Señora Brouwer's 3rd and 4th grade students have been paired with pen-pals at the colegio (elementary school) Jaime Balmes in Madrid, Spain. Since our new Spanish pen-pals will be going to their computer lab to visit our blog this week, we wanted to say "hola"!

One of Señora Brouwer's 4th grade classes has pen pals at the colegio MARIANO JOSE DE LARRA, also in Madrid. We wanted to be sure to say "hola" to them, too!